Zatul Effa, also known as Effa Mendoza is one of my BFF. I knew her from my BFF, Bebe Ghulam. My 1st time outing with her was 3years back, at kkbox karamunsing. I thanked the Almighty for giving me a chance to know her. She’s a very, I repeat a VERY nice person (in&out). We’ve been through so much within the time we spent together, both good & bad. It’s been a blast though. It’s very convenient to get along with her. As she never talked bad things of others & always treated us well. Such a huge blessed to have her around. I can tell ya’ll of how much we loves ‘girls day (or shall I says *night*. Since we don’t really like going out at day time) out’! And hell, Yes, we loved each other even though sometimes we never made a big show of it. Yeah, still we loved each other. LoL!
And here, today, I wanna congratulate her in advanced for her engagement, which will be happen soon, on the 24th of March 2012. At last the light of Allah caught up with u BRO. Im extremely happy to hear this news. Wishing both of u (Effa & Azril) all the best on ur engagement & everything lies ahead. U both deserve nothing else BUT the best! As a friend, I’ll always (endless) praying for ur happiness BRO! Last but not least, may ur engagement be memorable & incomparable as well as ur life. Can’t wait for the wedding! *raised eyebrow* ILYSM!!